The Perfect Card Game Storage Method

Guys. I broke. Remember last week when I said I was trying to find ways to apply the organizational lessons from “Get Organized with The Home Edit” without spending an arm and a leg on clear plastic storage? Well, I didn’t spend an arm and a leg… not really even an arm. But I did break down and buy clear plastic storage.

You see, I set up this whole cabinet for my preschooler with all of his games, crafts, toys, etc. and it’s been working phenomenally except for the card games. Honestly, I don’t even know why they bother putting cards in those awful cardboard boxes. They literally rip the first time you use them. Don’t even get me started on the boxes that have nothing except gravity keeping them closed. Infuriating. 

Seriously, who comes up with these packages?

Angry that the card games were ruining the beauty of my newly organized cabinet, I spent quite a bit of time searching for cheap storage containers for the card games. A lot of people seem to like using clear mesh bags or pencil pouches for their card games. That would have been fine, but I wanted something a little sturdier and without the ability to snap into a binder. 

Eventually, like after my 7th episode of Grace and Frankie, I decided to look at photo storage and lo and behold, I found the perfect solution: these babies!

I excitedly cut the front/top of the box off of each game and carefully taped it to the inside of the plastic container. I used packing tape because it’s all we had. I think if it starts to come up I might try using contact paper, but that’s future Kayla’s problem. Because the containers aren’t that much bigger than the cards, I just put each card game in its respective box and closed it up. I could have secured the cards with a rubber band, but I really don’t think it was necessary.

Then, channeling my inner Joanna and Clea, I splurged and bought another clear plastic bin to keep all of my clear plastic card game boxes in. This was totally unnecessary and I actually intended to use the larger bin for something else, but it works so perfectly for the cards, I’ll leave it for now. We had exactly eight card games and eight photo containers fit PERFECTLY in the bin. I literally felt like Joanna and Clea were cheering for me when I put it all together.

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