Un-paper Towels: Because Who Can Find Paper Towels, Anyway?

We’re about 6 months into this whole global pandemic thing and for some reason, paper products are still super difficult to find. I’m convinced people must have entire rooms of their homes filled with toilet paper and paper towels. Luckily, we have been able to find toilet paper each time we have actually needed it. …

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X Marks the Spot

I’m pretty sure spring is nature’s baby season, but let me tell you, summer is apparently baby season for all my friends. In late June, the sister of my dear friend welcomed her first child, a sweet baby girl and I couldn’t be happier for her and her husband. When I first found out about …

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Last Names and Baby Shower Themes

Let’s take a moment to think about all the unfortunate last names that exist in the world. Sometimes they’re just boring (looking at you “Smith”), sometimes they’re impossible for anyone else to pronounce, and sometimes, they’re just plain dirty (“Hello, Mrs. Butte. It’s nice to meet you”).  The focus of my last week or so …

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DIY Cornhole Bags

Anyone who has ever been to any sporting event, concert, festival, fair or backyard BBQ has probably come across the game of cornhole (or “bean bags” for you weirdo northerners). I first discovered the glorious game of cornhole in college. Apparently everyone else had been playing it for decades, but it was totally new to …

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